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  • 出生

    1964 年 November 16日 (59 岁)

  • 生于

    Nanaimo, Regional District of Nanaimo, British Columbia, 加拿大

Diana Krall生平和专辑简介:

Diana Krall出生于1964年11月16日,她出生在位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省西南部的、温哥华附近的港口城市Nanaimo。Diana Krall之所以能够在日后成为一名杰出的爵士女歌手,至关重要的一个原因就是她有一个极富音乐细胞的父亲。Diana Krall曾经说她的父亲拥有几乎所有三十年代爵士钢琴家Fats Waller的老唱片。Diana Krall的父亲是一位通晓二、三十年代几乎所有爵士钢琴演奏家的超级爵士发烧迷和钢琴演奏者。正是在父亲的鼓励之下,Diana Krall从小就对爵士乐和爵士钢琴演奏产生出了极浓厚的兴趣,而父亲那些广博的收藏品也成为了对Diana Krall产生重要影响的早期教材。Diana Krall曾经说,那些伟大的钢琴和爵士演唱者给她极大的影响,其中包括Dinah Washington,Roberta Flack,Shirley Horn,Andy Bey,Aretha Franklin以及Sarah Vaughan,但是影响最大的是Carmen McRae以及Nat ‘King’ Cole。

在仅仅只有4岁的时候,Diana Krall就正式开始学习弹奏钢琴。Diana Krall的天赋很快就显示了出来,在小学的时候,Diana Krall的爵士钢琴演奏水平就已经达到了相当高的水准。在只有15岁的时候,小Diana Krall就已经开始独立的在当地的一些小饭馆和酒吧里演奏钢琴。随后不久,Diana Krall赢得了温哥华爵士音乐节的奖励,并且得以进入美国波士顿著名的伯克利音乐学院进修,在随后几年的时间里,Diana Krall一直处于不断的在北美各地学习进修之中。

在波士顿的伯克利音乐学院,Diana Krall仅仅短暂的学习了大约一年半的时间,在爵士贝斯演奏者Ray Brown的鼓励之下,Diana Krall搬到了洛杉矶,在洛杉矶,Diana Krall结识了John Clayton,Jimmy Rowles等日后对她的事业起重要作用的音乐家。Diana Krall在洛杉矶住了大约三年时间,在那里她开始跟随Jimmy Rowles一起继续学习弹奏钢琴。在洛杉矶呆了三年之后,Diana Krall又重新回到了加拿大,这次她回到了多伦多,在这里Diana Krall和另一名爵士钢琴演奏家Don Thompson继续学习演奏爵士钢琴。

Diana Krall在多伦多停留了相当一段时间之后,1990年,Diana Krall搬到了纽约。但是此时一家加拿大的唱片公司,位于蒙特利尔的Justin Time Records唱片公司给了Diana Krall第一份发行个人专辑的合同。1993年,Justin Time Records唱片公司发行了Diana Krall的首张个人专辑《Stepping Out》,这张专辑让Diana Krall开始崭露头角,在专辑发行之后的第二年,Diana Krall成功的签约了GRP唱片公司,并且在1994年正式发行了第二张个人专辑《Only Trust Your Heart》。也正是在此时Diana Krall开始了与曾经为Barbra Streisand,Natalie Cole,George Benson等受人尊敬的艺术家录制专辑的制作人Tommy LiPuma的长期合作。Tommy LiPuma几乎参与了Diana Krall此后每张唱片的录制。

1995年,Diana Krall又转往Impulse!唱片公司,同年冬天,Diana Krall在这里发行了她的第三张个人专辑,向著名情歌歌王Nat “King” Cole三人组致敬的专辑《All for You》,这是Diana Krall首张引起轰动效应的唱片,同时也是Diana Krall首张以三人爵士演奏组合的形式录制唱片,其中吉他手是Russell Malone,贝斯手是Paul Keller,Diana Krall依然是钢琴和演唱。这张突破性的专辑在Billboard传统爵士排行榜上一直停留了长达70周的时间,并且成功的为Diana Krall赢得了第一次格莱美奖最佳爵士演唱歌手奖的提名。

当《All for You》取得了突破之后,1997年,Diana Krall发行了个人第四张个人专辑《Love Scenes》,这张专辑继续取得了成功,成为了加拿大历史上第一张销量突破白金的爵士唱片。随后的1998年又发行了圣诞假期专辑《Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas》。

为Diana Krall带来真正巨大成功的是她在1998年Verve唱片公司发行的第五张个人专辑《When I Look in Your Eyes》。这是一张在评论界和商业上都取得了巨大成功的专辑,从1998年到1999年这张专辑连续52周驻扎在Billboard爵士专辑榜的冠军位置上,这是整整一年的时间!在整个世界范围内,这张爵士乐专辑的销量都非常出色,不仅在美国远远突破了白金销量,在加拿大更是突破了200万的双白金销量,在葡萄牙和法国,这张专辑也突破了白金和金唱片销量。同时这张专辑还是Diana Krall首次以完整的综合爵士演奏乐队进行表演和录制,著名音乐家Johnny Mandel带领着一支爵士乐队协助了Diana Krall这张唱片的录制。评论界的好评如同疾风暴雨的袭来,格莱美奖也不会再次与Diana Krall擦肩而过了。令人惊奇的是,《When I Look in Your Eyes》在第42届格莱美颁奖典礼上获得了包括最重量级的年度最佳专辑奖(Album of the Year)在内三项大奖提名,这是在25年时间里首次有爵士乐唱片获得格莱美年度最佳专辑奖的提名,其他获得该奖项提名的是摇滚乐老将Santana,正值颠峰的超级偶像后街男孩组合,主流乡村音乐的代表南方小鸡组合,以及当红的R&B城市音乐组合TLC的作品,这是极少见的爵士乐与主流的流行音乐风格一起分庭抗礼。在这届颁奖典礼上,Diana Krall最终获得了最佳爵士演唱奖(Best Jazz Vocal Performance),而专辑《When I Look in Your Eyes》也获得了最佳非古典类录音工程奖(Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical)。除此之外,在加拿大最重要的音乐奖Juno奖评选中,这张专辑又获得了最佳爵士演唱专辑奖(Best Vocal Jazz Album)。

Diana Krall取得了成功之后,她响应了著名女权主义歌星Sarah McLachlan的号召参加了著名的Lilith Fair女性音乐家音乐节巡演活动,并且成为了其中最受欢迎的明星之一,这让Diana Krall的名气和受欢迎程度丝毫不比那些流行音乐的明星们逊色。

在成为了最受欢迎的女歌手之后, Diana Krall在获奖之后的新专辑、第六张个人专辑《The Look of Love》在2001年9月发行之后的首周就以9万5千张的成绩成为了Billboard 200排行榜的第九名,并且迅速的在全美销量超过白金,在加拿大的销量更是突破了惊人的五百万张,这是加拿大第一次有爵士乐音乐家做到如此高销量。除了在北美地区之外,Diana Krall的这张专辑依旧在全世界风靡,在澳大利亚,新西兰,波兰和葡萄牙,这张唱片的销量超过白金,还在法国、新加坡、以及英国销量达到了金唱盘销量。在随后一年的加拿大Juno奖颁奖典礼上,Diana Krall凭借这张专辑再次拿下了年度最佳歌手(Best Artist),年度最佳专辑(Best Album),以及年度最佳爵士演唱专辑(Best Vocal Jazz Album)三项大奖。

尽管专辑《The Look of Love》在商业上取得了空前的成功,但是在评论界却褒贬不一。直到一年后,Diana Krall在2002年发行的现场专辑《Live in Paris》才又再次征服了评论界,这张现场专辑让Diana Krall在诺拉·琼斯称霸的第45届格莱美颁奖典礼上再次获奖,这次她带走了最佳爵士演唱专辑奖(Best Jazz Vocal Album)的金留声机。在2003年,Diana Krall又与Vince Benedetti一起发行了专辑《Heartdrops: Vince Benedetti Meets Diana Krall》,以及随后发行的现场专辑《One Night in Paris》。

2004 年4月27日,Diana Krall经过长时间精心的制作之后,发行了她的最新录音室专辑《The Girl in the Other Room》,并且在商业和评论上取得了更好的成绩。作为当代最受欢迎的爵士演唱女歌星,Diana Krall在商业上以及评论界多方面的成功仍然继续。
Diana Jean Krall, OC, OBC (born November 16, 1964) is a Canadian jazz pianist and singer. She is known for her graceful contralto vocals.


Krall was born into a musical family in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. She began learning the piano at the age of four. In high school, she started playing in a small jazz group. When she was 15 she started playing regularly in several Nanaimo restaurants.

At age seventeen she won a scholarship from the Vancouver International Jazz Festival to study at Berklee College of Music in Boston.

In Nanaimo her playing attracted the attention of famed bass player Ray Brown and drummer Jeff Hamilton. After hearing her play, Brown and Hamilton persuaded Krall to move to Los Angeles, and study with pianist Jimmy Rowles, with whom she began to sing. This also brought her into contact with influential teachers and producers. In 1990, Krall relocated to New York.

Her father Jim Krall's large record collection helped to expose the young Krall to jazz legends. Diana lost her mother Adella to multiple myeloma in 2002, within months of also losing her mentors Ray Brown and Rosemary Clooney. Diana's only sibling, Michelle, a former member of the RCMP, actively supports her older sister's career.

Krall and British musician Elvis Costello were married on December 6, 2003 at Elton John's estate outside London. Their twin sons Dexter Henry Lorcan and Frank Harlan James, were born December 6, 2006 in New York City.

Professional career

In 1993, Krall released her first album, Stepping Out, which she recorded with John Clayton and Jeff Hamilton. It caught the attention of producer Tommy LiPuma, who produced her second album, Only Trust Your Heart (1995).

Her third, All for You: A Dedication to the Nat King Cole Trio (1996), was nominated for a Grammy and continued for 70 weeks in the Billboard jazz charts. Love Scenes (1997) quickly became a hit record with the trio of Krall, Russell Malone (guitar) and Christian McBride (bass).

In August 2000, Krall was paired on a 20-city tour with Tony Bennett.

Orchestral arrangements by Johnny Mandel provided the background on When I Look In Your Eyes (1999); more Grammy nominations came along, and she was rewarded as Best Jazz Musician of the Year. The band mix was kept, following arrangements on The Look of Love (2001) created by Claus Ogerman; this record achieved platinum status and reached the top 10 of the Billboard 200. The Look of Love went to number one on the Canadian album charts and went quadruple platinum in that country. The title track from the album, a cover of the Casino Royale standard popularized in the late 1960s by Dusty Springfield and Sergio Mendes, reached number 22 on the adult contemporary chart.

In September 2001, Krall began a world tour. Her concert at the Paris Olympia was recorded and released as her first live record. Diana Krall - Live in Paris topped the Billboard jazz charts, went top 20 on the Billboard 200 and went top five in Canada. It garnered her second Grammy (Best Vocal Jazz Record) and a Juno Award. The album included covers of Billy Joel's "Just The Way You Are" (a hit on U.S. smooth jazz radio) and Joni Mitchell's "A Case Of You."

After marrying Elvis Costello, she worked with him as a lyricist and started to compose her own songs, resulting in the album The Girl in the Other Room. The album, released in April 2004, quickly rose to the top five in the United Kingdom and made the Australian top 40 album charts. She also joined Ray Charles on his Genius Loves Company album in 2004 on the song, "You Don't Know Me."

In late May 2007, Krall was featured in a Lexus ad campaign. She also sang, "Dream a Little Dream of Me" with piano accompaniment by legendary pianist Hank Jones.

According to her official site, her next CD, "Quiet Nights," is scheduled to be released on 31 Mar 2009.


In 2000, she was awarded the Order of British Columbia. In 2003 she was given an honorary Ph.D. (Fine Arts) from the University of Victoria. In 2004, she was inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame. In 2005, she was made an Officer of the Order of Canada.

She is an honorary board member of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. Adella Krall, mother of Diana Krall, was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 1996 and died May 2002 at the age of 60.


* 2007 - The Very Best of Diana Krall - (Verve Records)
* 2006 - From This Moment On - (Verve Records)
* 2005 - Christmas Songs with the Clayton/Hamilton Jazz Orchestra - (Verve Records)
* 2004 - The Girl in the Other Room - (Verve Records)
* 2002 - Live in Paris - (Verve Records)
* 2001 - The Look of Love - (Verve Records)
* 1999 - When I Look in Your Eyes - (Verve Records)
* 1998 - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (EP) - (Impulse! Records)
* 1997 - Love Scenes - (Impulse! Records)
* 1996 - All for You: A Dedication to the Nat King Cole Trio - (Impulse! Records)
* 1995 - Only Trust Your Heart - (GRP Records)
* 1993 - Stepping Out - (Justin Time Records)
* 1989 (2002) - Heartdrops with Vince Benedetti - (TCB, unauthorized)


* 2007 - The Very Best of Diana Krall - (Verve Records)
* 2004 - Live at the Montreal Jazz Festival - (Verve Records)
* 2002 - Live in Paris - (Eagle Records, Pioneer DVD)


* 2004 - DeLovely - music performer "Just One of Those Things"




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