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Maj 19

Attack Attack! Back in Action Tour

Z Attack Attack!, Closer to Closure oraz 3 wykonawców więcej w Culture Room

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Niedziela 19 Maj 2013 o 18:30


Culture Room
3045 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, 33306, United States

Tel: (954) 564-1074


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Well everyone, it’s been a wild ride for Attack Attack, but I think it’s about time Whiting and I take some time to write this note.

We want to start by thanking every single one of you that has ever come out to a show, bought a shirt, gotten in a fight over crabcore, or spent the time to send us notes online. We have been insanely blessed to be able to do what we have done with AA and we think it’s time that we wrap up
this chapter in our lives.

Yes, this means exactly what you think it means. The Back in Action Tour will be Attack Attack’s final and most ironic tour.

After 6 long years of playing in garages, VFW halls, clubs, open air festivals, and everything in-between. We’ve decided it is time to lay AA down for good.

You are all beautiful, wonderful people, and we want you to know that we deeply appreciate everything you have done for us.

We are sad to lay Attack Attack to rest, but are very excited for what is next in this new chapter of our lives.

Stay Tuned!!!

Much love,

The Andrews

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