is a bicephalous project led by AJ Cornell and Marie-Douce St-Jacques. The duo engenders a singular style of music that is perched on the threshold of torpid song, melismatic refrain and spectral electronics. Andrea-Jane Cornell (synthesizers, electronics, processed acordion, voice, etc.) is a sound and radio transmission artist based in Louisville, Kentucky. She performs as a solo artist, has collaborated with Tim Darcy (NNA tapes), and was a member of the FÜNF collective (2011-2014) with Magali Babin, Martine H. Crispo, Anne-Françoise Jacques, Émilie Mouchous and Erin Sexton. Mari… read more
is a bicephalous project led by AJ Cornell and Marie-Douce St-Jacques. The duo engenders a singular style of music that is perched on the threshold of torpid song, melismatic refrain and spectral electronics. Andrea-Jane Cornell (synthesizers, electronics, processed acordion, voice, etc.) is … read more
is a bicephalous project led by AJ Cornell and Marie-Douce St-Jacques. The duo engenders a singular style of music that is perched on the threshold of torpid song, melismatic refrain and spectral electronics. Andrea-Jane Cornell (synthesizers, electronics, processed acordion, voice, etc.) is a sound and radio transmission artist based in Louisville, Kentucky. She… read more