Based in Mount Hope, Ontario, David performs with Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, over 20. Each produces a pure note or tone, the purest there is. You have to hear them to believe it. He plays them in combination with 8-10 Paiste Planet, Symphonic and Sound Creation Gongs, Vibraphone and Santoor. Every gong features a strong fundamental note tuned to represent a natural harmonic series based on the orbital properties of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon and the other planets. "It's like having a full orchestra." comments David. He also performs with other beautiful organic i… read more
Based in Mount Hope, Ontario, David performs with Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, over 20. Each produces a pure note or tone, the purest there is. You have to hear them to believe it. He plays them in combination with 8-10 Paiste Planet, Symphonic and Sound Creation Gongs, Vibraphone and Santoo… read more
Based in Mount Hope, Ontario, David performs with Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, over 20. Each produces a pure note or tone, the purest there is. You have to hear them to believe it. He plays them in combination with 8-10 Paiste Planet, Symphonic and Sound Creation Gongs, Vibraphone and Santoor. Every gong features a strong fundamental note tuned to represent a na… read more