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jian zhan Tea Cup Experience the elegance and rich heritage of Chinese tea culture with our exquisite Jianzhan tea cup. Each cup is carefully handcrafted by skilled artisans, using techniques passed down through generations, ensuring that every piece is unique and deeply rooted in tradition. Made from fine clay and fired at high temperatures, these cups are known for their exceptional durability and striking glaze that reflects light in captivating ways. The intricate patterns that form on

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30 Aug — 5 Sep Last.week
2023 Last.year

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jian zhan Tea Cup Experience the elegance and rich heritage of Chinese tea culture with our exquisite Jianzhan tea cup. Each cup is carefully handcrafted by skilled artisans, using techniques passed down through generations, ensuring that every piece is unique and deeply rooted in tradition. Made from fine clay and fired at high temperatures, these cups are known for their exceptional durability and striking glaze that reflects light in captivating ways. The intricate patterns that form on

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