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Dr. Jahmal Mosley has devoted over two decades to transformative roles in educational leadership, ranging from a special education teacher to a director of academics. He is certified as a Special Education Administrator, proficient in designing Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) that cater to diverse student needs, from emotional and intellectual disabilities to physical impairments. Dr. Jahmal earned his Doctorate in Education from the University of Massachusetts.

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27 Sep — 3 Oct Last.week
2023 Last.year

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About Me

Dr. Jahmal Mosley has devoted over two decades to transformative roles in educational leadership, ranging from a special education teacher to a director of academics. He is certified as a Special Education Administrator, proficient in designing Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) that cater to diverse student needs, from emotional and intellectual disabilities to physical impairments. Dr. Jahmal earned his Doctorate in Education from the University of Massachusetts.

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