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Spotify hesabınla hesabını bağla ve herhangi bir Spotify uygulaması, herhangi bir cihaz veya platform üzerinden dinlediğin her şeyi skropla.

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Özel çalma listelerini sadece sen görebilirsin.

...but I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

Çalma listesi için görüntü

I had me a wife, I had me some daughters. I tried so hard, I never knew still waters. Nothing to eat and nothing to drink. Nothing for a man to do but sit around and think. Well, I'm a-thinkin' and a-thinkin', till there's nothin' I ain't thunk. Breathing in the stink, till finally I stunk. It was at that time, I swear I lost my mind. I started making plans to kill my own kind.

Süresi 49 parça

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