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Spotify hesabınla hesabını bağla ve herhangi bir Spotify uygulaması, herhangi bir cihaz veya platform üzerinden dinlediğin her şeyi skropla.

Spotify'a bağlan

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sand-piper için avatar

hi guys im sand-piper. i have an addiction to music. some facts about me are that I’m 17, im korean-american, I live in texas, and my girlfriend is crayonteeth. I like getting lastfm notifications so feel free to talk to me I won’t judge!! also can somebody recommend me more japanese and/or shoegaze music it’s my favorite thx

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31 May — 6 Haz Last.week
Mayıs Last.month
2023 Last.year

En Sevilen Sanatçılar

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En Sevilen Albümler

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hi guys im sand-piper. i have an addiction to music. some facts about me are that I’m 17, im korean-american, I live in texas, and my girlfriend is crayonteeth. I like getting lastfm notifications so feel free to talk to me I won’t judge!! also can somebody recommend me more japanese and/or shoegaze music it’s my favorite thx

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