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Spotify üzerinden skroplama mı olsun?

Spotify hesabınla hesabını bağla ve herhangi bir Spotify uygulaması, herhangi bir cihaz veya platform üzerinden dinlediğin her şeyi skropla.

Spotify'a bağlan

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rock_EXP için avatar

idk honestly. id love to get back into music but no idea where to go so thats why recent scrobs seem random its just my hyperfixes with music in video games recently :(

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Dinleme Raporları

31 May — 6 Haz Last.week
2023 Last.year

En Sevilen Sanatçılar

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En Sevilen Albümler

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idk honestly. id love to get back into music but no idea where to go so thats why recent scrobs seem random its just my hyperfixes with music in video games recently :(

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