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Spotify üzerinden skroplama mı olsun?

Spotify hesabınla hesabını bağla ve herhangi bir Spotify uygulaması, herhangi bir cihaz veya platform üzerinden dinlediğin her şeyi skropla.

Spotify'a bağlan

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Özel çalma listelerini sadece sen görebilirsin.

it's always happening- one way or another. Cultural evolution marches on, whether you like it or not. Personal, and society at large. In most ways it's a good thing. If not- what are YOU doing to make a difference? It's YOUR life -live it- but leave something positive behind for those who remain, and those who follow... :) I'm just getting started on this one. 02-22-2013 Any suggestions?

Süresi 59 parça

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