
  • Yayınlanma tarihi

    20 Eylül 2018

  • Süresi

    7 parça

The new EP from Fish, ‘A Parley With Angels’ features new tracks – ‘Man With A Stick’, ‘Waverley Steps’ and ‘Little Man What Now?’, all of which will also appear on FISH’s final studio album, Weltschmerz. Also included are four tracks recorded live at London’s Islington Assembly Hall last year: ‘Emperor’s Song’, ‘State Of Mind’, ‘Circle Line’ and ‘Voyeur’.

Fish’s extensive European tour kicks off the day after the EP is released, comprising almost 50 shows in the UK and Europe.

The tour will see him perform the classic Marillion album Clutching At Straws for the final time, as well as material from Weltschmerz. As recently announced by Warners the remastered version of Clutching At Straws will be released on November 23rd.

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