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Turbofolk is a genre of music, formed with mixing folk music of Balkan nations with Middle-Eastern and Western music. Product is a high popular folk music sometimes prone of mainstream dance aesthetics. Visually it is placed somewhere between MTV sexual visuals and proto-traditional local male aesthetics. Alongside its mass popularity it is criticized as ideological weapon of control used in eastern/south Europe by local and global totalitarian politicians. Serbian avant-garde artists Rambo Amadeus is often considered as term inventor, as a genre of music, formed with mixing folk music of Balkan nations with Middle-Eastern and Western music. Mainly it formed from Serbian ethno melos mixed with pop & disco music, and afterwards with Romani music, Romanian Manele, Bulgarian Chalga and Greek Laïka. The term itself was coined by Rambo Amadeus, who used it jokingly during the late 1980s in order to describe his own strange smorgasbord sound combining various styles and influences. At the time, the term was nothing more than a soundbite, the phrase being intentionally humorous for combining two contradictory concepts - "turbo," evoking an image of modern industrial progress and "folk," a symbol of tradition and rural conservatism.

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