Top Artists
21,905 listeners
4,231 listeners
3,537 listeners
2,984 listeners
76 listeners
936 listeners
1,323 listeners
879 listeners
1,197 listeners
2,901 listeners
Top Tracks
Rank | Play | Loved | Track name | Artist name | Buy | Options |
1 | Play track | First Song for B | Devendra Banhart |
2 | Play track | We're Leaving | DeVotchKa |
3 | Play track | Spoiled | Sebadoh |
4 | Play track | Fooba Wooba John | Burl Ives |
5 | Play track | Tumbling Tumbleweeds | Sons of the Pioneers |
6 | Play track | Hard Hand To Hold | Willy Mason |
7 | Play track | Remember The Mountain Bed | Billy Bragg & Wilco |
8 | Play track | Amerilie | Vetiver |
9 | Play track | What Hold | William Fitzsimmons |
10 | Play track | Polska från Medelpad | Jan Johansson |
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Top Albums
Magnet 19,307 listeners
Patty Gurdy 8,370 listeners
Greg Graffin 5,349 listeners
Urminnes Hävd - The Forest Sessions
Månegarm 12,262 listeners