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Carlos Simpson is an Entrepreneur, Strategic Graphic Designer, Artist, Musician (singer-songwriter and record producer), and Author in London – United Kingdom. His style incorporates elements of rock, blues, soul, R&B, funk, jazz, reggae, hard rock, psychedelic, pop, folk, and ballads.

From an incredibly young age, Carlos Simpson proved to be a gifted, talented, and versatile artist, and musician who has made a name for himself in the music industry over the years. Born and raised in a musical household, Carlos began playing the guitar at a young age and quickly developed a passion for music. He later attended the UWE Bristol: the University of the West of England in Bristol, where he studied Graphic Design, learned the classical guitar and honed his skills as a performer.

After graduating, Carlos embarked on a successful career as a solo artist, performing at concerts and festivals around the world. He is known for his dynamic stage presence and his ability to connect with audiences of all ages. In addition to his work as a performer, Carlos has also composed and recorded numerous original songs and albums, which have received critical acclaim and garnered a devoted following.

In addition to his work as a musician, Carlos is also involved in various charitable causes, using his platform and talent to give back to his community and make a positive impact on the world. He is an inspiration to aspiring musicians everywhere and a true talent to be reckoned with.

He is an inspiration to aspiring musicians everywhere and a true talent to be reckoned with.

Carlos Simpson's discography includes Albums: I AM HUMAN, ATMO, El Niño, Illegal Migrant, Tribal Soul, Love Is the Secret, Memórias do Vento.

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