
Tzaraath is a True swedish Black Metalact, which originally took shape in the shadowed darkness of the first wave of Black / Thrash Metal by demonic guitarist Minion, vocalist and bassist Abaddon and drummer Darth in 2009. Later that year also guitarist Asmodeus joined the horde.

During the year 2011, whilst the underground demons was working on new material, a new vocalist – Groundbaur revealed himself from the shadows and brought the constellation to a more blasphemous level. The primitive work of the new material ended up being the 'Abortion' ep, that came out during summor of 2012.

Grondbaur - Vocals (2011 - )
Minion - Guitars (2009 - )
Asmodeus - Guitars (2009 - )
Abaddon - Bass (2009 - )
Darth - Drums (2009 -

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