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Wtf happened to ITW...? Power/Prog with some Death Metal elements? It's like Green Carnation but poppier and without the melancholy.
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After listening to 1 song off one of the newer albums, that was my analysis. Saddly, the band that once was, no longer is.
Diversum makes me think of the gloomy radio rock music my country's stations would often play like Poets of the Fall. It's not a particularly harsh complaint as Diversum is very listenable and inoffensive. But taking the legacy of the band into account it's rather disappointing.
Dīversum is a very solid album in all aspects, regardless of being a nostalgic old fan since their 90's raw production with high prolific line-up combination.
I miss their legendary combination! The strange music they produced in those years.. remember it well When I was a student. When I was a soldier. When I was a teenager and youth, I enjoyed their music and searched for their names. How quickly everything changes and we miss each other. I wish I could go back to the day when I could find them again. to twenty years ago :( ... I still listen to their old music when I'm sad and lonely. It takes a lot of courage! Because it destroys my various memories!
Insightful comment! People usually just focus on reliving their old memories, but of course we also alter them by revisiting those bands... I was lucky and saw In The Woods live in 1995 in their original line-up.
@Kobro: Please rename the band, you're ruining it. Everything post-reunion is not exactly bad (well, arguably, tastes vary, imo it is) but not worthy of bearing the name. It's monotone, cliché, and mainstream, lacking inspiration and novelty, completely unlike the older albums. It almost inflicts physical pain to a fan from day 1. I mean, just listen to mindblowing tracks like Karmakosmik or actually the whole Stereo and Omnio albums and compare it to the new ones -- in terms of innovation and originality I mean. That's a whole different universe. This is desecration. In the Woods... used to be unique, let it rest in peace.
They destroyed our memories! I never understood why they stopped and my dreams were ruined! This bothers me every year! They were my role models and created an experimental and different atmosphere. How can that old group be stopped?!?! I have been involved in this issue for twenty years! Although the drummer remained and took the band forward. But the music and albums you mentioned were really unique and I am always surprised and regret why that line-up did not remain!
В своё время завалили их дисками. Есть у них хорошие темы... Одноимённая песня, например, и I am your flesh тоже
Not sure why Kobro brought back so much black metal growls for Cease the Day.🎤😤 It's too nostalgic of the 2nd BM wave in early 90s. For me 'Pure' sounded much better than the new CD, not because it had that aura of Omnio or 7 times.. and not because it was the comeback CD, 💿 but because both Botteris actually played 2 years ago.🎸 Don't know why they left again. 🤔 You can like 'Cease the Day' as u want but for me as an ITW.. fan for 15 years it's hard to imagine 'In the woods..' without any of the Botteris playing now🎸, not to mention Transit's absence as well 🎤🤔
It's probably because they are not trying to sound like their old albums, but instead doing something new to them. To be fair, Heart of the Ages do not sound close to Omnio and even less to Strange in Stereo, so it would be weird to expect something sounding similar to their old albums after so many years of silence. Personally I really enjoy the new albums. They have a unique feel to it, which is what I would expect from this particular band... An unexpected turn on each of their record.
I was not expecting a return to their old sound. As you mention, they have always progressed a lot between albums, but to my ears there is something distinctly ITW on all of their old albums. If I had listened to Pure and Cease the Day without knowing who the artist was, I would never have made the right guess.
Well, I don't know about that. It's not like they would be doing country music or something else completely different, it still atmospheric and progressive metal which is very well done. So all I can say is that I really enjoy the new album and I hope you do as well.
For the ones like me who are still interested in this band. Here is a new song for the upcoming release in november this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI6IcuGxbiI
Again as in the case of Pure: Had I not known this is In The Woods..., I'd love it. But such predictable (if fine on it's own) music coming from those guys feels a bit dishearthing. Still, neat song on it's own, but I've heard dozens of bands that sound like that (even if the atmosphere since Pure is kinda' unique). Oh, and another thing: Growls? Seriously? Onward we go, spiralling into generic atmo metal-ness...
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Saw them live, listened to a couple CDs... I want to like them, but I just can't. For a progressive band, their sound is pretty monotonous.
In the Woods... fans, click the link to see what I thought of the new album, 'Pure': https://manofmuchmetal.wordpress.com/2016/09/09/in-the-woods-pure-album-review/
It's hard to pinpoint what they used to stand for, but they've always been utterly unique, and let's face it: they are anything but that now. At one point I heard one of their new songs begin and thought it was freaking Moonspell. There are some decent bits here and there (and some odd flashbacks), sure, but still... It would have been a good idea to go for a new band name, you can't fill those shoes.
I see your point and think that I agree. However, Pure is an absolutely breath-taking album and already a classic for me.
So in your mind, what does ITW stand for exactly? For me, the new logo and artwork perpetuates the fact they are reborn. The fact they are reborn with three core members also suggests the aesthetics are well and truly present. New album is beautiful btw. Mr. Fog is a legend.
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During the period prior to the farewell gig in Kristiansand 14 years ago, on the 29th of December at Caledonien Hall, the lineup changed several times. But a core, consisting of original drummer Kobro and the Botteri twins Chris and Christopher, has always been present. The lineup today consists of these three aforementioned gentlemen, as well as several other musicans will be announced soon, also a very good replacement that will fill the shoes for Oddvar who tragically left us last year. The band will not rush the production of the material, but state they will take their time to ensure a high quality process resulting in music which will stand the test of time. Frem innlegg
Back into the woods The woods are full of trees, some old, some not. Some have been cut down, some recycled, and some are still standing, defying the harshness of the nature. This goes for the Kristiansand-based band as well. Some of the trees have decided to rear their ugly heads once again, with a battle plan including the recording of two albums, two albums which were planned released back in the year 2000. Later this month the members will get together, rehearsing and polishing the songs.