År aktiv
2015 – present (10 år)
Gut Ripper has always, and will always play Old School Death Metal of the Swedish type!
Formed in Östersund (Sweden) during late 2015, and had the first rehearsals in December 2015.
The band had during the first few years problems with band members coming and going, and also band members going through tough times. Whilst slowly trudging forward and writing songs.
These songs eventually ended up on the debut album "On Dead Beings" that were recorded on an old 4-track portable studio in the bands rehearsal room during the beginning of 2018. In 2019 the live album released in the darkend winter.
In the spring of 2020 tragedy struck, bassist Anders lost his battle to cancer. And in his spirit the band chose to continue.
David Nexéus: Lead Guitar (2015 - ) Lead Vocals (2018 - )
Alexander Lundgren: Rhythm Guitar ( 2017 - )
Daniel "DK" Karlsson: Drums (2018 - )
Larsa Einarsson: Bass (2020 - )
Former members:
Simon Roos: Bass, Backing Vocals (2015 - 2016)
Jens Gustafsson: Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals (2015 - 2016)
William Fredriksson: Bass, Backing Vocals (2017)
William Eliasson: Lead Vocals (2015 - 2018)
Andreas Persson: Drums (2016 - 2018)
Anders "JH" Eklund: Bass, Backing Vocals (R.I.P.) (2017 - 2020)
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