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Тексты песен

in the mornin fun when no one will be
drinkin anymore wi - ne . . i
wake the sun up . . by givin him a
fresh share full of the wind cup

and i won't be found in the shadows hiding
so - rrow . . i can
wait for fate . . to bring to me . . any
part of my tomo - rrow . . tomorro - w

Текст песни смотри ниже...

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cause it's o - h . . oh so peaceful here
no one bendin over my shou - lder
nobody breathin in my ear
o - h . . it's oh so peaceful he - re

in the evening shadows are callin me . . and the
dew settles in my mi - nd . . and i
think of friends in the yesterday . . when my
plans were giggled in rhyme

i had a son while on the run and his
love brought a tear to my e - ye . . and
maybe some day he'll up and say . . that
i'm a pretty nice guy . . oh oh
my . . oh oh my


Writer(s): Kenny Rankin

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