The music is created in a collaboration between the
band; I Think You’re Awesome, the big band; Aarhus
Jazz Orchestra, and female big band composer/arranger
Signe Bisgaard. The album also features the estonian
vocalist Karmen Rõivassepp. I Think You’re Awesome
has been playing for over 10 years now, spearheading a
cool laid-back approach to the jazz genre, calling it
Indie-jazz themselves, and this is their 8th album.
Aarhus Jazz Orchestra has been a solid component of
the big band scene in Denmark for more than 40 years,
and has been pushing the boundaries of what big band
music can be.
The music derives from a 2018 album Kiss Your Darlings made by I Think You’re Awesome. Depicting a difficult period in bandleader Jens Mikkel Madsen’s life. It contemplates on the fragile nature of our mind’s and the gratitude towards the people that surrounds us, in the face of depression and anxiety.
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