Тексты песен

Oh daddy, you know you make me cry
How can you love me?
I don't understand why

Oh daddy, if I could make you see
If there's been a fool around, it's got to be me
Yes, it's got to be me

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Oh daddy, you soothe me with your smile
You're letting me know
You're the best thing in my life

Oh daddy, if I could make you see
If there's been a fool around, it's got to be me
Yes, it's got to be me

Why are you right when I'm so wrong?
I'm so weak, but you're so strong (You're so strong)
Everything you do is just all right
And I can't walk away from you
Baby, if I try

Why are you right when I'm so wrong?
I'm so weak, but you're so strong (Felt so strong)
Everything you do is just all right
And I can't walk away from you
Baby, if I try

Oh daddy, you soothe me with your smile
You're letting me know
You're the best thing in my life

Oh daddy, if I could make you see
If there's been a fool around, it's got to be me
Yes, it's got to be me
Yes, it's got to be me
Yes, it's got to be me

Writer(s): Christine Mcvie

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