Ethnor continues the journey through Sahara desert in their new single from forthcoming full-length album - 'The Ritual'!
Spirits of the ancestors will show the protagonist his true purpose and predestination, but will he be able to interpret the dark prophecy correctly and return from the shadow world unscathed?
Track Credits:
Vocals: Vladimir Ryazanov;
Bass: Oleg Kunchenko;
Guitars: Taras Garadja & Dmitry Ilchuk;
Keyboards and Samples: Sergey Marchenko;
Drums: Alexey Romanenko;
Throat Singing: Vladimir Ryazanov (Kaargyraa & Hoomej) & Dmitry Ilchuk (Hoomej and Sygyt).
Music and arrangement by Taras Garadja, Sergey Marchenko & Vladimir Ryazanov;
Lyrics by Vladimir Ryazanov.
Recorded at Portal Studio & SeratonIn Studio, Sevastopol;
Sound Engineering by Taras Garadja & Sergey Kapustinsky;
Mixed and Mastered by Tommy Talamanca, Nadir Studio, Genoa, IT;
Cover Art by Mikhail 'Ronamis' Malkin.
Produced by Ethnor.
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