Published February 18, 2013
Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Topics ambient, drone, longform,
This is the second in our Dronescape series … and the second of 12 drones planned from Cousin Silas.
Cousin Silas has created another longform piece that I find deeply atmospheric and all-encompassing … a piece that allows me to switch off from the busyness of the world and focus on whatever it is I am doing … in the moment.
I think that's the key for me … the key to why I love these pieces so much … they give me a sense of the moment. Time stops and I just am. I don't need to worry about what is coming next. I don't need to fear the interruption that comes from the silence between tracks. I can just be … and I can focus on the now of whatever it is that occupies my head, my heart or my hands.
I hope you gain something meaningful from this dronescape.
Please Note: an mp3 version of this dronescape will always be available here for free with a lossless version available over on Bandcamp for 'Pay What You Want' … which does include £0.
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