AINOMA continues experimenting with the retro sound: we took the darkest horror stuff from the previous "Necropolis" release, and spiced it with evil synths of 1980s slasher soundtracks. This is a new horror "Necropolis" spinoff - "Manhunter". A Halloween 2019 special. It shifts us to the same alternate timeline where economic crisis and social disruption lead to new security solutions. The new goal is to create a cheap soldier - a hybrid control system based on human brain, electronic and mechanical elements. The first prototype is a military veteran o… подробнее
AINOMA continues experimenting with the retro sound: we took the darkest horror stuff from the previous "Necro… подробнее
AINOMA continues experimenting with the retro sound: we took the darkest horror stuff from the previous "Necropolis" release, and spic… подробнее
AINOMA is russian dark synthwave and electronic project created by Lex Rif. AINOMA's sound reflects the dark side of the 1980s, its horror, sci-fi and cyberpunk universes. It references the futuristic ‘’Blade Runner’’ soundtrack, atmospheric Brad Fiedel’s synths, disturbing minimalism of John Carpenter’s and other masterpieces of that era.
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AINOMA is russian dark synthwave and electronic project created by Lex Rif. AINOMA's sound reflects the dark side of the 1980s, its horror, s… подробнее
AINOMA is russian dark synthwave and electronic project created by Lex Rif. AINOMA's sound reflects the dark side of the 1980s, its horror, sci-fi and cyberpunk universes. It ref… подробнее