Июл 2

Space of Joy

Aavepyörä, Adjna и еще 54 исполнителей в Beautiful place in Carpatian mountains

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Четверг 2 июля 2009Четверг 9 июля 2009


Beautiful place in Carpatian mountains
Uzhhorod, Ukraine

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Our festival is a free-running traveling module that hovers over endless universe. Being a pure abstraction it can explore any probability or colour combination.
Our planet barrels in across the space abyss. Look at it spinning around with everything that falls into its force of gravity. Oceans, clouds, mountains, deserts, forests and cities with all the inhabitants perform their easy and yet inconceivable dance.
Who we are? Where are we going to? We’re looking for the answers in religions, in scientific systems, in social experiments and aggressive atheism. Though we are all connected by unbreakable blood relationship bonds, we can find all these answers only inside our hearts, raising with our breath the mysterious flower, blossoming out in the middle of our existence. We will find our fern flowers in the green mountain forests of central Europe and will set our cherished wish for the welfare of all the living creatures.

July 2 -9

The whole nature and its every part have their own natural breath. The world is all that is breathing. It is a certain integral living creature always developing and yet invariable.
The breath of cosmic creatures such as the Earth is reflected in the observable cyclic processes: day-night, full moon — new moon, solstice and equinox. The Earth breathes in absorbing the energy at night, and breathes out radiating it in the daytime. Since the new moon all the powers are flowing up from the depth, from the hidden and the unrevealed to the revealed forms, and at the full moon this development reaches its maximum.
Living in harmony with natural cycles and tuning in with natural breath the human itself becomes a harmonious creature that is able to reach all its maximums and reveal the secrets of the world.

June 22 — New Moon and Summer Solstice

July 6–7 — Full Moon and Ivan Kupailo Night

“Father Kupailo!
O God of the great flaming, clearing our souls and bodies
Uniting clans, granting the joy of union
Come and stay with us
We all children of our fathers’ unfading springtime love gather here in the name of Yours
Bless us with your mighty power
For we could reach the highest heaven of devout deeds
Fulfilling our highest destination
Glory to Kupailo!”

Kupailo, Kupalo, Semiyarilo — the god of summer solstice, love, married couples, demonstrating the elements of Flames and Waters. Exactly on Kupailo day Mother Earth has its highest power which it gives to everyone and Flames and Waters have unbelievable healing properties. The celestial doors open and all the blessings fly freely into the Vyrii to the gods and the forefathers. Kupailo day’s dew heals and the herbs gathered at this night have great magical power.

Carpathian Mountains, Ukraine

INFO: http://spaceofjoy.ru/carpathians/
FORUM: http://spaceofjoy.ru/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=26
CONNECT: festival@spaceofjoy.ru

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