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Avatar de R_Marshall90

Mainly into heavier rock/punk but not exclusively; if I like it, I like it for the music not the label attached to it. BFMV, Linkin Park, Rise Against and the like are the bulk of my library.

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3 Mai — 9 Mai Last.week
2023 Last.year

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R_Marshall90 não ouviu nenhuma música no intervalo de datas selecionado.

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R_Marshall90 não ouviu nenhuma música no intervalo de datas selecionado.

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R_Marshall90 não ouviu nenhuma música no intervalo de datas selecionado.

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Sobre mim

Mainly into heavier rock/punk but not exclusively; if I like it, I like it for the music not the label attached to it. BFMV, Linkin Park, Rise Against and the like are the bulk of my library.

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