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Avatar de Gretzs | 500x500 (324) ~~~~~~~~~~~ I just don't remember the thrill of a fancy site💔 The long-lost with all her cool features (groups, radio!) and the music-based social network (shout!!) 🐝 💖 📅 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This (design) feels so unfamiliar 😿🪼 ~~~~~~~~ (But) I’m still ♡ ♥︎ you: the stats, events, tags <3 Don't delete the platform xx (at the end) 🐺⛈️ R.I.P. the old (2002-2015).

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Sobre mim | 500x500 (324) ~~~~~~~~~~~ I just don't remember the thrill of a fancy site💔 The long-lost with all her cool features (groups, radio!) and the music-based social network (shout!!) 🐝 💖 📅 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This (design) feels so unfamiliar 😿🪼 ~~~~~~~~ (But) I’m still ♡ ♥︎ you: the stats, events, tags <3 Don't delete the platform xx (at the end) 🐺⛈️ R.I.P. the old (2002-2015).

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