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We are the surface of mass deception
In control of what we think we know
But if of all our misconceptions
Of losing sight of right and wrong

The trail that we need to know
Can't be dug up, it's been too long
The things that we need to feel around
Our eyes are official

Letra continua abaixo...

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(Wake up, wake up) it's time to fight now
(Stand up, stand up) for what is real
We can get up if we hit the ground
But nothing is ours if we only follow

Is this a useless situation? Am I a fool to think there's more?
You're on a path of self-destruction, it's time for us to change our course
Incase you haven't realized, the past is past, what's done is done
The only way to make it right is to keep on looking forward

(Wake up, wake up) it's time to fight now
(Stand up, stand up) for what is real
We can get up if we hit the ground
But nothing is ours if we only follow

(Wake up, wake up) it's time to fight now
(Stand up, stand up) for what is real
This is the song for the voiceless ones
We won't lose hope until we all stand up

We are the chosen, the sacrificial land
We are the chosen, this is the final stand
It's time to rise up

The silence has broken
The truth has been spoken to set you fly

(Wake up, wake up) it's time to fight now
(Stand up, stand up) for what is real
We can get up if we hit the ground
But nothing is lost if we only follow

(Wake up, wake up) it's time to fight now
(Stand up, stand up) for what is real
This is the song for the voiceless ones
We won't lose hope until we all stand up

Writer(s): Masato David Hayakawa, Ryo "y.k.c" Yokochi

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