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Will you be a satanist with me?
Mortgage off your soul to buy your dream
Vacation home in Florida
The collateral, the devil's repossessing from me
Tryin' to score some off brand ecstasy

Will you be an anarchist with me?
Sleep in cars and kill the bourgeoisie
At least until you find out what a fake I am
Spray paint my initials on an ATM
I'd burn my cash and smash my old TV

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Will you be a nihilist with me?
If nothing matters, man, that's a relief
Solomon had a point when he wrote Ecclesiastes
If nothing can be known, then stupidity is holy
If the void becomes a bore
We'll treat ourselves to some self belief
(Oh, you know what I should do?)

You wonder
If you can even be seen from so far away
A slow pull, a seismic drift
Leaning over the edge of a continent
It's so hard to come back
You hang on until it drags you under
(You under)
(You under)
(You under)

Writer(s): Lucy Elizabeth Dacus, Phoebe L. Bridgers, Julien Rose Baker

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