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Rylan, you should try to get some sun
You remind me of everyone
Rylan, did you break your mother's heart?
Every time you tried to play your part

Is it easy to keep so quiet?
Everybody loves a quiet child
Underwater you're almost free
If you wanna be alone, come with me

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Rylan, we can take the quick way out
We can turn blank-white in a blank-white house
Say that you're a pervert, you're a vulture
Don't you wanna be popular culture?

Is it easy to keep so quiet?
Everybody loves a quiet child
Underwater you're almost free
If you wanna be alone, come with me

Is it easy to live inside yourself?
All the little kids are high and hazy
Everybody's got nowhere to go
Everybody wants to be amazing

Rylan, California's rotten
Dress light-blue to be forgotten
Eat your pearls on Sunday morning
Keep your conversations boring

Stay with me among the strangers
Change your mind and nothing changes
Don't let show any emotion
When you climb into the ocean

Rylan, you should try to get some sun
There's a little bit of hell in everyone
Rylan, you should try to get some sun
You remind me of everyone
Rylan, you should try to get some sun
There's a little bit of hell in everyone
Rylan, you should try to get some sun

Writer(s): Matthew D. Berninger

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