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  • Data de nascimento

    23 Fevereiro 1994 (idade 30)

  • Local de nascimento

    Stockholm, Stockholm municipality, Stockholms län, Suécia

Sabina Ddumba (born 23 February 1994) is a Swedish singer. Her music has soul, gospel, and R&B influences. Ddumba was a backing vocalist on Katy Perry's song "Walking on Air" in 2013 and has collaborated with artists such as the hip hop band Looptroop Rockers, duo Lorentz & Sakarias and Adam Kanyama in 2012. She is signed to Warner Music. Ddumba released her first single, "Scarred for Life", in 2014, and her second single, "Effortless" in 2015. Both were certified platinum. Ddumba appeared in Moraeus med mera in 2014 and performed at Grammisgalan in 2015. She performed at the 2015 Swedish Grammis, and in 2015 won 'Newcomer of the Year' at the Grammisgalan and 2016 P3 Gold Awards.

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