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honestly with the things i see,
it seems as though we fly.
stories go but stories leave
an imprint on my mind.
be honest... don't be afraid...
falling over again...

time is wasted and gone
life is passing on again.
the white lights leading you on.
is this the end?

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so this is what you want to be?
held too close for eyes to see your fantasy
turn to misery.
be honest, don't be afraid
falling over again

time is wasted and gone
life is passing on again.
the white lights leading you on.
is this the end?

i can see whats on your mind
all i know is youre bored again
in existence you will find
why youre alive

time is wasted and gone
life is passing on again.
the white lights leading you on.
is this the end?

time is wasted and gone
life is passing on again
the white lights leading you on
is this the end?

Writer(s): Scott Sellers, Jon Berry, Mike Jiminez, Clark Domae

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