Artistas parecidos
Deep Insight
27.132 ouvintes
Deep Insight foram no inicio de 2002 por Jukka (voz) e Johannes (guitarra). Mais tarde, Miska (baixo) e Ville (bateria) juntaram-se a banda… leia maisDeep Insight foram no inicio de 2002 por Jukka (voz) e Johannes (guitarra). Mais tarde, Miska (baixo) e Ville (bateria) juntaram-se a banda. A sua música é uma mistura de rock americano e emo com influências escandinavas. O single Hurric… leia maisDeep Insight foram no inicio de 2002 por Jukka (voz) e Johannes (guitarra). Mais tarde, Miska (baixo) e Ville (bateria) juntaram-se a banda. A sua música é uma mistura de rock americano e emo com influências escandinavas. O single Hurrican Season permaneceu 6 semanas em número 1 nas tabelas da Filândia em 2005 Ver wiki -
Carmen Gray
6.613 ouvintes
Carmen Gray (previous name Jerkem) was formed in the summer of 2000. At the time, the band consisted of only three of the current members, … leia maisCarmen Gray (previous name Jerkem) was formed in the summer of 2000. At the time, the band consisted of only three of the current members, Lappe, J.J and Pete. Later that year, Nicklas joined the band. In early January 2003 O.J joined th… leia maisCarmen Gray (previous name Jerkem) was formed in the summer of 2000. At the time, the band consisted of only three of the current members, Lappe, J.J and Pete. Later that year, Nicklas joined the band. In early January 2003 O.J joined the band. O.J brought the music together and created the sound… leia mais -
Matthau Mikojan
3.696 ouvintes
Matthau Mikojan was born on March 26, 1982 in Tampere. He's the younger son of Arvo Tapani "Arwo" Mikkonen who played guitar… leia maisMatthau Mikojan was born on March 26, 1982 in Tampere. He's the younger son of Arvo Tapani "Arwo" Mikkonen who played guitar in the famous manserock band Popeda. About his mother Sirpa, there is quite no information to fin… leia maisMatthau Mikojan was born on March 26, 1982 in Tampere. He's the younger son of Arvo Tapani "Arwo" Mikkonen who played guitar in the famous manserock band Popeda. About his mother Sirpa, there is quite no information to find, therefore a lot more about his brother Jukka Kristian Mik… leia mais -
33.941 ouvintes
Bloodpit is a Finnish hard rock band. Before 1998 the band has been named "RIP" and "Turmio". It was founded in 1994 by… leia maisBloodpit is a Finnish hard rock band. Before 1998 the band has been named "RIP" and "Turmio". It was founded in 1994 by Matthau Mikojan (ex vocals), and Paavo Pekkonen, (guitarist). They released their first album Men… leia maisBloodpit is a Finnish hard rock band. Before 1998 the band has been named "RIP" and "Turmio". It was founded in 1994 by Matthau Mikojan (ex vocals), and Paavo Pekkonen, (guitarist). They released their first album Mental Circus in 2005, along with many singles, such as "P… leia mais -
Private Line
45.285 ouvintes
Private Line é uma banda de Hard Rock e Glam de Helsínquia, Finlândia, formada durante meados da década de 90 em Jyväskylä (uma cidade no c… leia maisPrivate Line é uma banda de Hard Rock e Glam de Helsínquia, Finlândia, formada durante meados da década de 90 em Jyväskylä (uma cidade no centro da Finlândia), e continua até hoje. A banda foi fundada quando os membros fundadores, Sammy,… leia maisPrivate Line é uma banda de Hard Rock e Glam de Helsínquia, Finlândia, formada durante meados da década de 90 em Jyväskylä (uma cidade no centro da Finlândia), e continua até hoje. A banda foi fundada quando os membros fundadores, Sammy, Jari Huttunen e Eliaz ainda eram adolescentes. Eles eram in… leia mais