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he's a family man now it would seem, luckily we have a ready supply of daves to step up and assume the position
I like the concept, the vocals, the synths. However, in most of their albums, the guitars and drums sound flat. After a while tracks start to blur into one, lacking any of the impact you would get in say, a Fear Factory record. Impact Proxy is still my favourite track, followed by Gene Heresy.
Doesn't sound like a return to me at all. Stil treads the same dull waters as past few releases with long and aimlessly boring vocal lines from Mel who has completely replaced Dave as the clean singer. No hooks that surprise and catch you. The song goes nowhere. Seeing this getting compared to TWWL or Coexist is absolutely baffling. There are no similarities whatsoever except the band name.
i found the band when they released "As Embers Turn To Dust", so when i talk about a return to form, i obviously mean arround that time and not 2013. I've added "in my book" on purpose, because that clearly tells you that it's from my point of view. Anything else is someone else's assessment. I have bands where i'm like that. Haven't really enjoyed anything from In Flames after "Whoracle" for example. That band is lost to me, since forever ago, but you won't find me in their comment section complaining about every new release, because that would be a total waste of my time.
Sounds a bit better than the last couple of albums, but you're still right. The same meandering and boring vocal lines ruin it. They try to cram as much "lore" into the lyrics as they can, which ruins the flow and makes it sound like they're trying to fit a wikipedia article into song form.
The sound has decay in after every release, this female vocal in autotuned fucks everything, the instrumentation at same level
Cenotaph is neat, Spasms of Human Tragedy, Cenotaph and Broken Matter Manipulation are my favourites after couple of listens. For the negatives vocals could be arranged a bit better, but I think the issue is that the music is so dense, by the time Joe gets to mixing in vocals there's simply not enough space to put them in the mix and to allow vocals to shine.
Cenotaph is honestly better than Venator, the songs actually sound a bit different and more aggressive. Missing Dave's harsh vocals more and more, but this album still has its moments (title track and Broken Matter Manipulation stand out in particular). Still holding out for something like Xenon soon, I hope..
A lot of people are complaining about their last two albums, but I personally like them a lot. As much as I like the heavier songs, I find the songs with clean singing more memorable. Doesn't help that the vocal melodies are expertly crafted and the two singers' styles compliment each other so well.
Just rename it to Melchina at this point. Pretty tired of having her in every song and Dave buried beneath her. Even if the story requires it, I want to hear just Dave singing again. This imbalance is pretty exhausting and makes every song sound way too samey. I miss when Mel was the secret weapon.
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I have no issue with her singing voice, but the way they have started to write their vocal melodies and song structures in general. It sounds like they wrote the story first and then tried to retrofit their complex lore into song format, which results in repetitive songs and weird vocal melodies. Many of their new songs are stretched to 6-8 minute lengths with no actual content in them, just generic riffs and "atmospheric parts" with meandering vocal delivery about a story that I lost interest in years ago when they first started with this weird style of music writing. They should write an epic scifi book trilogy instead of hijacking their music to deliver this bloated story.
Btw Melrose also joined another band called A Dark Halo, where she sounds absolutely fine and she didn't cause any kind of fuckup to their sound, so I don't think she has that much control over Mechina's overall sound. It's more likely Joe helped her with the solo project and that's why it sounds similar to Mechina.
Maybe it sounds like heresy, but Mechina from times of male vocal was loved by me far far more than the current Mechina, with a female vocal. And it's not about misogyny, no. But the band has lost something important for me when the vocals became all female. It sounded different. When there were both vocals, think back to the same "Xenon" days, the band sounded more interesting. IMHO.
Not heretical at all, my favorite albums are Empyrean, Xenon and Conqueror by far. I like Mel Rose's vocals too, but I think the biggest problem is how the more recent albums do vocal melodies. The hooks aren't as catchy and epic vocal parts like in Anathema are mostly gone.
Atmosphere of the songs are sensational, reminds me of Blade runner and other futuristic films.
Am I the only one who DOES like the new album? It's definitely the weakest link of the prequel arc, imo, but I still think it's good...
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Also, though I do like newer stuff, I am starting to miss the industrial/electronic effects they once had. Hope we get some of that, more of Dave's clean vocals, & a better guitar sound on the next one!
Enjoyed the new album Telesterion. Aside from the singles, I did not like it much at all after the 1st listen. However, after the 2nd & 3rd listens, tracks like "Gene Heresy", "The Allodynia Lance", & "Homeworld Salient" have really grown on me. Couldn't get into the title track, and "The Archivarius Chaos Ritual" was probably the most forgettable track with Mel Rose they've done. The mix was OK, guitars & vocals were a little quiet, especially Dave's clean vocals. Really liked that they finally brought Dave & Mel together at last, though there might've been a bit too much Mel on this album. Overall, it's not on par with their classics like Progenitor, Xenon, & Empyrean -- but it's a solid edition to their discography.
New album is more of the same. Some things are great and totally floor me such as The Allodynia Lance, but other things as usual annoy me such as the overdependance on the huge and unchanging 3-4 same note symphonics on top of everything, the lack of electronics, the muddy mix which buries the potentially good riffs and Dave's clean vocals beneath everything. I think after As Embers... Joe wrote himself into a corner that he cannot escape out of anymore. This album could have been on the compendium and people would have barely noticed because it's composed with the same mindset: huge and bland orchestrations without interesting melodies using the ever same notes and buried riffs that mostly just plod along to a rather simple beat. And as much as I love Mel, her presence is too dominating. I liked it when one or two songs featured her, which made them special but this way the novelty wore off and sidelines Dave's clean vocals which I usually prefer. Xenon still reigns supreme for me.
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I just think most of the album sounds the same. I could not believe it was still going by track 7
Mixed feelings for Telesterion. I do love the sound of it, musical direction and overall arrangements. Finaly we hear male and female vocals in a duo, there's good balance between all of the elements in Mechina's music that fought with each other for dominance for so many years. Hell, even the production is quite good and balanced, with the exception of rather weak drum sound (again). And yet, the one thing that always worked in Mechina, the melodies and leads, just feels gone. It may be that they tried to go with more complex vocals arrangements than usual, but there was one thing that the album needed for perfection and it was always abundant but now somehow I can't remember a single chorus, a single melody, a single lead, nothing. Probably the most competent Mechina album yet but somehow doesn't have that spark that made me love the previous ones despite their production issues and chaotic direction.
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I didn't know you like Mechina, Meat_Wolf ;P I, for one, like the guitars on this album, definetly more than on the past few when they were relegated to mostly mindless chugging, but they seemed to have settled on a single arrangement of sorrowful orchestra lead over a FF-style riff and made like 50% of the album to be just that but with slight variations. Plus, all of the vocals sound like they were recorded muffled from behind a wall or something, strange idea. It DOES give the music some breathing room but sounds odd, especialy with growls which sound way too quiet in the mix.
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I didn't like it at all after the 1st spin either. But after the 3rd listen or so, all the tracks aside from the title track & The Archivarius Chaos Ritual have grown on me. It's definitely their least "catchy" album, but a solid edition to their discography.
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Dunno lads, the allodynia lance and tyrannos are fantastic. Music is highly subjective though. I think for a lot of people Mechina's move into more, err cinematic sound I guess, over the riff focused one is a divisive point.
Agree, album definitely has the biggest amount of memorable tracks imo. And vocals in this album are so fckin good, pure epicness.
Thank you random guy on a Cyberpunk 2077 discussion group for bringing this to my attention. :)
Also, while I do enjoy the current sound as much as the older stuff, I am missing some of the heavier riffs & electronic/industrial effects. Hope the rest of the album will have some surprises.
"Realm Breaker" is very good. I didn't find it as instantly memorable as "The Synesthesia Signal" or "Cryoshock", but it's still descent. I wish they'd do a couple with tracks with Mel and David's vocals together, that only happened briefly in "Ashes of Old Earth", "To Coexist Is to Surrender", & "The Halcyon Purge".
Realm Breaker is too simplistic for me. It's as if it banks entirely on Mel's voice without any good riffs backing the rest of the song up. The endless droning orchestra is too samey sounding. I hope the rest of the album is much better with the metal being more pronounced again.
I've just started listening to Conqueror [Compendium] and I really don't like it. Conqueror has best production out of all of their albums, but this just sounds awful. It reminds me of those nasty DTS/Dolby audio effects that add "virtual surround" that basically flatten the soundstage as if you were listening to music from another room. Even the difference between Conqueror and Empyrean is like night and day, the former sounding much more professional and clean. Ah well, I'm sure others will love it :D
The compendium versions do nothing for me. Totally butchered the songs. Can't really comprehend how that happened.
Compendium versions of albums sound really weird to me somehow. Maybe it's because I'm so used to the old versions, but sounds to me that the sound has been changed for the sake of change instead of just improving the mastering. Some songs sound better, but for the most part I prefer the old versions.
I agree. The mastering is better but orchestrations take over guitars now and sometimes we can barely hear them... :/
Unfortunately, I have to agree. Much prefer the original versions, though I do like the new "Conqueror", which basically sounds like a new album.
The new versions are weird. They added this new orchestral track to every song, ON TOP of the old orchestrations, which were much more memorable. And this new track is LOUD... like headache inducing loud, and drowns out everything else (see "On the Wings of Nefeli" to see what I mean)
On top of that, many little details were removed. Almost all the industrial/electronic effects are gone, along with much of the Gregorian choir parts and, as I mentioned, the original orchestral melodies -- which were much better. It's too bad, probably the first misstep from this project. I'm sure the new album "Telesterion" will be great though! :-)
So now that we are done with the storyline. Can we get another one with Mel Rose on vocals please? Like a neverending version of "The Synesthesia Signal".
The storyline isn't finished. Actually, it's only half-way done. According to Joe, the plan is to have at least another 6 albums. Time will tell if that comes to fruition, though I certainly admire his ambition. :-)
New album will be called "Telesterion", but will be released a little later this year, around spring according to the teaser: