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I built my fences too high
Had nowhere to go
No one could get inside
And I was alone

I dug my trenches too deep
I couldn't see the sky
And then a bullet hit me
And I came alive

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Ooh, I finally found a way
To open up and say I wanna let you in
I've kept you on the outside
Such a very long time

And now I see what I've been missing
All this time I took second guessing
Now I need to take a chance on me

I didn't wanna be tied down
But now I see not being tied down
Ain't the same as being free
Oh, you set me free, yeah

Ooh, I finally found a way
To open up and say, I wanna let you in
I've kept you on the outside
Such a very long time

Oh, and now I see what I've been missing
All this time I took second guessing
Now I need to take a chance on me

No man is an island
No point in acting tough
We all need someone to make us smile
To make us cry, to make us love

I wanna let you in
I've kept you on the outside
Such a very long time

Ooh, I finally found a way
To open up and say, I wanna let you in
I've kept you on the outside
Such a very long, long time

And now I see what I've been missing
All this time I took second guessing
Now I see what I've been missing
All this time I took second guessing
Now I see all I need to take a chance on me

Writer(s): Brian Howes, Landon Pigg

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