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Again I tell a lie
This love should never die
I beg you to be mine babe
I beg you to hold on

"Alone" is just a word a harmless
Senseless stupid thing
And for now
It doesn't hurt 'cause I don't care that you're not here

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I guess you cannot see
For you my dear I bleed
Again you dried my tears babe
Though love is doing wrong
I'll wait for your shot
I swear I will hold on

"Alone" is just a word a harmless
Senseless stupid thing
And for now
It doesn't hurt 'cause I don't care that you're not here

"Alone" is just a word a harmless
Senseless stupid thing
And for now
It doesn't hurt 'cause I don't care that you're not here

"Alone" is just a word a harmless
Senseless stupid thing
And for now
It doesn't hurt 'cause I don't care that you're not here

Writer(s): Christopher Schmid, Oliver Nikolas Schmid

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