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The light is stirring
The meadow still
The morning's creeping through the windowsill
The fields are yawning
The hazy dew of morning standing tall
And it's not gonna rain at all

The day is waking
And standing by
The birds are singing in the yellow sky
The wind is sleeping
The willow tree is weeping by the door
And it's not gonna rain anymore

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And when the day is over and the dusk has settled in
I'll camp beneath the stars and watch the fireflies dance and spin
A world I might have never known if I'd had the rain begin
But it's never gonna rain, is it?
No, it's not gonna rain

The light is stirring
The house is still
The day is waiting on the windowsill
There's only peace and quiet
No mess, no cause for riot, little fuss
And it's not gonna rain
But it was meant to rain for us

Writer(s): Steve Reich

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