
"Carminium is a Heavy Metal band formed in 2017 by four suburbians guys from Rio de Janeiro. They're mainly influenced by Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne and Alice in Chains. They make a sound that refers to the vintage, but with their originality and with lyrics inspired by our impressions about the interaction of human beings with the world around them.

They are intense as the color that represents us and we show ourselves from extremes. After all, the human acts like that and rock is that way. They want to look at you internally and touch what you do instinctively. What society asked you to do mechanically.

They're the observers of this vicious cycle formed by our limited minds. Looking from the bottom up, from the suburb to the elite, from belly to head, from instinctive to rational. Carminium is intense. Carminium is, first of all, human."

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