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If you can hear us calling
We're breaking down the walls that lie between
Then you can see us living
We're living out the words for all to see
So you believe in me

Let me be the first to break down
The boundaries of what we've always known
I'm always telling you that you should just be you
Don't let them pull you down

Letra continua abaixo...

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If I could guide you like I was guided
I think we could succeed this time
Raise your hands high, reach for the light
Let us show them how to feel alive

For too long, they've walled themselves away
But now the past is moving to the present

If you can hear us calling
We're breaking down the walls that lie between
Then you can see us living
We're living out the words for all to see
So you believe in me

It's not for a sense of mystery
I'm calling you out as conceited
Raise your hand high, reach for the light
Let us show them how to feel alive

Being human is not a burden
Don't let them tell you different
We are equal
Being human is not a burden
Don't let them tell you different
We are equal

If you can hear us calling
We're breaking down the walls that lie between
Then you can see us living
We're living out the words for all to see
So you believe in me

Breaking down the walls that lie between
Then you can see us living
Living out the words for all to see
So you believe in me

Writer(s): David Winter Bates, Daniel Winter Bates, Jason Cameron, Adam Jackson, Kristan Dawson

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