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Raport odsłuchiwania
22 Lis — 28 Lis Last.week 2023 Last.yearNajpopularniejsi wykonawcy
Pozycja | Awatar | Nazwa wykonawcy | Opcje | Scrobble |
1 | Astrix |
2 | Alien Art |
3 | Mindbenderz |
4 | beat herren |
5 | Symphonix |
6 | Mandragora |
7 | The Outsiders |
8 | Ritmo |
9 | Ace Ventura |
10 | Animato |
11 | GMS |
12 | GRAViiTY |
13 | Killerwatts |
14 | Shanti People |
15 | Shanti V Deedrah |
16 | Lifeforms |
17 | Liquid Soul |
18 | Ticon |
19 | Earthspace |
20 | Armin van Buuren |
21 | Jan Oberlaender |
22 | Tristan |
23 | Ram |
24 | Simon Patterson |
25 | Devo |
26 | Shanti People, Stryker, Eddie Bitar |
27 | Argy |
28 | Indira Paganotto |
29 | Paul Oakenfold |
30 | Genetrick |
31 | Hacoon |
32 | Jan Oberlaender, Karla Blum |
33 | Atmos |
34 | Berg |
35 | Linkin Park |
36 | Synergetic Emotion |
37 | Alter Nature |
38 | DJ Tony Magic |
39 | Gaspard Olivier |
40 | hngT |
41 | Off limits |
42 | Antinomy |
43 | K.I.M. |
44 | Markus Schulz |
45 | Ritmo, Animato, Solarix |
46 | Sonic Species |
47 | Zen Mechanics |
48 | Alchimyst |
49 | Charlotte de Witte |
50 | CRL&SAF |
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Najpopularniejsze albumy
Najpopularniejsze utwory
Pozycja | Odtwórz | Album | Ulubiony | Nazwa utworu | Nazwa wykonawcy | Kup | Opcje | Scrobble |
1 |
Spells - Original Mix | Lifeforms |
2 |
Asato - Stryker & Eddie Bitar Remix | Shanti People |
3 |
Call It What You Want | Mandragora |
4 |
Deepest Level - Solarix Remix | Ritmo |
5 |
Drop Out - Karla Blum Remix | Jan Oberlaender |
6 |
In Your Soul - Re-Edit | beat herren |
7 |
Extra-Terra | GRAViiTY |
8 |
Grow & Glow - Original mix | Liquid Soul |
9 |
Asato - Stryker & Eddie Bitar Remix | Shanti People, Stryker, Eddie Bitar |
10 | Odtwórz utwór |
He.art | Astrix |
11 |
Freedom in You - Original mix | Genetrick |
12 |
DO IT | Hacoon |
13 |
Blackbird SR-71 | Indira Paganotto |
14 |
Drop Out - Karla Blum Remix | Jan Oberlaender, Karla Blum |
15 |
Here to eternity | Shanti V Deedrah |
16 |
Deep Breath - Original mix | Ace Ventura |
17 |
Proxima B - Original mix | Alien Art |
18 |