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Awatar dla SpicyRuddyDrops

May the LORD, the God of your ancestors give you a gospel sturdiness of Sister Rosetta Tharpe, exaltations & sexiness of Prince and fierce calmness of Tori Amos. Amen ☦ re:visited

Ostatnie utwory

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14 Cze — 20 Cze Last.week
2023 Last.year

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SpicyRuddyDrops nie słuchał muzyki w wybranym okresie.

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SpicyRuddyDrops nie słuchał muzyki w wybranym okresie.

O mnie

May the LORD, the God of your ancestors give you a gospel sturdiness of Sister Rosetta Tharpe, exaltations & sexiness of Prince and fierce calmness of Tori Amos. Amen ☦ re:visited

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