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Awatar dla Shillos

Greetings! My name is Nicholas Kyriakides, also known as DJ W00fy from Cyprus. I am a music producer and have been creating music for Super Club Radio, an online radio station based in Cyprus, since 2006. I produce both English and Greek music and songs. All the music and songs are my creations. The vocals are primarily generated by AI, or as otherwise noted, will be detailed in the song information.

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31 Maj — 6 Cze Last.week
2023 Last.year

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O mnie

Greetings! My name is Nicholas Kyriakides, also known as DJ W00fy from Cyprus. I am a music producer and have been creating music for Super Club Radio, an online radio station based in Cyprus, since 2006. I produce both English and Greek music and songs. All the music and songs are my creations. The vocals are primarily generated by AI, or as otherwise noted, will be detailed in the song information.

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