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You got me waiting at the corner
Waiting at the red light
Waiting at the crosswalk thinking of you
Waiting in line at the grocery store
Waiting for an Uber, thinking of you

I'm a dirty dancer
If only I could pull my pants up
I just wanna be the one you want to dance with
Forget all that bullshit
Let's just focus on this
I just wanna be the one you want
To move with
Want to groove with
To move with
Want to dance with, yeah

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You got me waiting by the phone
Waiting for my food
Waiting for my clothes to dry
Thinking of you
I'm waiting for a sign
Waiting for my game to load
Waiting for spring
Can't stop thinking 'bout you

I'm a dirty dancer
If only I could pull my pants up
I just wanna be the one you want to dance with
Forget all that bullshit
Let's just focus on this
I just wanna be the one you want
To move with
Want to groove with
To move with
Want to groove with, yeah

When the lights go down
That's when the demons come out
It's a long way back, and time running out
I said the lights go down
That's when the demons come out
It's a long way back, and time running out

But you could leave with me now
We could both leave this town
You could leave with me now
We could both leave this town

Writer(s): Akeem Hayes, Christopher Ruelas, Matthew Hines, Bridget Perez, Tiffany Majette, Carlos Munoz

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