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Stop, don't quit 'cause he won't
But he'll do it again
Knock knock, hands up
Daddy's got you and your friend
Shoes on wire, swung 'round
Led him into the room
Caught not sold, too late
No, wait, too soon

I won't leave for another man (Waiting for you)
I won't leave for another man (Waiting for you)
I won't leave for another man (Waiting for you)
I won't leave for another man (Waiting for)

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5.6 grand written all over the wall
Phone buzzes, think you should go take the call
Hand slipped back, heart attack
Think there's something we both know

I won't leave for another man
I won't leave for another man
I won't leavе for another man
I won't leave for anothеr man
I won't leave for another man
I won't leave for another man

Writer(s): William Woodhouse

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