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Freaking out another day or two
Can't handle just the sight of you
I don't remember being your friend
Couldn't you let this come to and end?

I liked when you avoided me
It made it easier for me to breathe
Knowing we'll always be on your side
Calling me only when you arrive
Didn't we say we'd have a good time?

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I feel you look at me
I won't pretend to be cool
Is it that hard to see?
I just don't want to be cool

Your ego washes over me
Shake it out and take a peek
I felt a change come after my fore
You couldn't wait to show me the door
Now, I don't wanna make a scene
But to void any antibiny

We could be free but cold by the light
I'll be a wild bird, I think that's fine
I'm not as hopeless as you might like

I feel you look at me
I won't pretend to be cool
Is it that hard to see?
I just don't want to be cool

Writer(s): Emma Witmer

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