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dose one and why?:
"everything on top, just gravy!"

harry fox and his mechanicals bag
telegraphs the statutory rate
p.a. you contract tag.
who knew that harry who? had it for you?!

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

"we've never heard a word but
we must catch you on the television."

"we need to pick an artist to break.
we want to break you!
w-we want to break you!
w-w-we want to break you!"
i) moneys shall be paid to the artist in the amount of a
specified percentage of profits, not including:

(1) facial reconstructions for the pope.
(2) midnight hot tub cigar dipped soirees at the c.e.o.'s h.o.u.s.e.
(3) top of the line orthodental braces for the fox family children.
(4) tinsel ninja masks for all seasonal employees.
(5) compensation for a designated third party bicycle physicist
hired for any per-diem or long term per-poem balloon explanations.
(6) any company inc. mountain tip top bathhouse-outing.
(7) haley's comet research.
(8) shorthand slavic embroidered pillowcase inscriptions.
(9) the saving of the children.
(10) all company carnies, not excluding kurt the neut cat or any water jug
jesters on retainer prior to the established concrete street date.

...and the hooker hits the streets.

Writer(s): Jonathan Avram Wolf, David Philip Madson, Adam Drucker

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