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Sister mother, brother father
Have you, have you looked outside?
I'm scared for my life
They don't trust us
I'm not part of the killing spree
A symptom, born loser, statistic

Sister mother, brother father
Have you, have you looked outside?
I'm scared for my life
They don't trust us
I'm not part of the killing spree
A symptom, born loser, statistic

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

They call it a sickness
PTSD, depression
Safe in the hands of them
That's where I feel the pressure
911, 911, 911
Can't trust them

They call it a sickness
PTSD, depression
Safe in the hands of them
That's where I feel the pressure
911, 911, 911
Can't trust them

911, 911, 911
911, 911, 911
I can't trust them

Sister mother, brother father
Have you, have you looked outside?
I'm scared for my life
They don't trust us
I'm not part of the killing spree
A symptom, born loser, statistic

Sister mother, brother father
Have you, have you looked outside?
I'm scared for my life
They don't trust us
I'm not part of the killing spree
A symptom, born loser, statistic

They call it a sickness
PTSD, depression
Safe in the hands of love
That's where I feel the pressure
911, 911, 911
Can't trust them


Writer(s): Ronnie Laws

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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