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After leaving my apartment
I feel this cold inside me
It howls away all through the market
It calls your name

Ooohh oohh

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On my way to your apartment
I write for fear of silence
You carved a boat to sail my shadow
Now I walk alone


Alright, alright

I hit the sidewalk and this is how it starts
Hide in a raincoat when things are falling apart

After leaving your apartment
I hear the coast by nightfall
So sure to keep you dreaming
You understood
Oh, I know you understood
Yes sir, it shows I was no good

Alright, alright

I hit the sidewalk and this is how it starts
Hide in a raincoat when things are falling apart

Cause sooner or later this is bound to stop
Come on, let's savor what we're falling for

After leaving your apartment
I hear the coast...

Writer(s): Eric Matthew Cannata, Payam Reza Doostzadeh, Francois Paul Comtois, Sameer Gadhia, Jacob John Tilley

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