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Fear slowly sinks it stride across the floor
If that caught your ear then you'll want to hear more.
It parades around the inner-states of the mind,
And feeds on stories that conceal the light.

* Bright early awakening the veil will be lifted

For its in the shadows that fear fools the heart,
It hides all our power and rewrites our part.
Deep in the breakdown the stillness reveals,
That each heart has been gifted a luminous well.

* Bright early awakening the veil has been lifted
*And we can't consume everything that were given.

And in this awakening the forest reminds us
To move like the water caresses the hillside,
It's lessons of cyclical healing can teach us
It changes quite subtly what time could not deny

*Bright Early awakening the veil has been lifted
*And we won't consume everything that were given

In fact we are left with a hope to see clearly,
These things we've been given and reflect the beauty.

from Pellucidity, released October 25, 2014

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