
  • Czas trwania


In the old oak forest the light is dancing on the trees
from the water dropping off the leaves
gently they hurry down the rocks to the creek
bringing with the a story a song the light from the trees

Rain doesnt doubt that it will end up at the sea
doesnt seem to worry about its destiny

Carry on carry on to streams
till they reach the rushing river, rushing free
making their way through the land hills and trees,
they may fall but trust their memory

Rain doesnt doubt that it will end up at the sea
Doesnt seem to worry about its destiny

Pausing only in rhythm to the mothers heart beat
Wonder just how different is out journey from the seas
When the heart is grateful will the water set us free
When the heart is grateful will the water set us free

rain doesnt doubt that it will end up at the sea
doesnt seem to worry about its destiny

from Pellucidity, released October 25, 2014

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