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A disquiet state of being nothing
But a distorted mask in the mirror
Only deficiency I see staring back at me

Perfection too far gone to comprehend
Felicity too distant to discern
I need an act of providence to value myself
Instead, I forge a guilty conscience

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My likeness won't let me rest
Tempting me not to look back
It's grinning in my face
As I force myself to trudge on

During a brief moment
Suspended in white light
In my mortal fear
I created this mirage, my likeness
Alluring, yet forever out of reach

Confidence stems from the sole
Perception of the other
Our actions measured
And taken for granted
An infinite struggle for
Recognition, for satisfaction
Aiming for what lies beneath these layers of illusion
I try to step through
The veil of self-deception
But I stumble and end up
Grazing my skin
Again and again
And again and again

During a brief moment
Suspended in white light
In my mortal fear
I created this mirage, my likeness
Alluring, yet forever out of reach

Writer(s): Alexander Otto, Erik Gaßmus

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